Internet Dating

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So online dating to me is pretty unhealthy and unnatural… Yeah… I did it a lot when I was younger… I haven’t since the beginning of 2020… It was all bad…

I did meet my ex of five years… Well… My ex that I dated for five years… I met them on one of those sites… Probably like OKCupid… It was definitely a free one… And I know the free ones are worse because these motherfuckers aren’t paying… They’re not that serious… The majority of them just want to get laid… If you haven’t figured that out and you’re internet dating on the free sites… I’m sorry to break it to you…

But yeah… I met this guy on OKCupid and he was quiet… But I just thought he was mysterious… You just create in your mind from the picture that you see and the profile you read… You just kind of believe that… I guess… And you think it’s real… And five years into this relationship… I realized he’s not mysterious… He’s fucking shy as fuck… And he’s a mama’s boy and he can’t take initiative… In five years he never got the balls or initiative to fucking make me breakfast or dinner… In the last two years that we were together he forgot my birthday… Not once but twice! It was fucked up… And yeah… That was my most successful internet dating {and longest relationship all together sadly} and it was fucking horrible…

But yeah… I just feel like internet dating is just a bunch of bullshit…

You’re reading these profiles and it’s either written by them but full of fucking half truths and whole lies… Is that how the saying goes? Or it’s written by somebody else and it’s never the real truth and honesty or whatever… It’s never that though…

You’re judging people off of their looks and either you really like their looks… Rarely do you really like their looks and ALSO like what the profile says… I mean rare… Like if you do you’re probably like “this is fake” but usually it’s that you really like their looks and you’re willing to overlook that they’re a trash truck driver or yeah you really love their profile but you’re willing to overlook their picture… That’s usually how it goes… So you’re judging these people on their profiles and it’s never EVER… And I’m very experienced in this topic up until 2020… Was it ever fucking real?

I dated a guy who… His profile said he worked for a college out here and he rarely smoked and rarely or never drank… I’m not sure which one was the rarely and which one was the never… but yeah… And it was like “I create art every day” And I’m like this dude… Like… Yeah… He looks cute… I like his picture… I like what he’s doing with his job… Working at the college for like acting or something or I don’t know… I can’t remember… He’s not a big drinker or smoker… Yeah… I’m down… So we go on some dates… Who knows two or three and now we’re sleeping together and now we’re like seeing each other all the fucking time… And now we’re a couple apparently… And then I start realizing things about him… I start realizing that he’s {ACTUALLY} smoking a pack of cigarettes a day and he starts drinking at noon… Usually whiskey and he works at the college {ONLY} once a month… And basically what he does for income the rest of the time is bar trivia gigs… And apparently he got about $60 to $80 for a gig and he did about one or two of those a day {maybe}… And then on top of that for side money he would scrounge Craigslist for odd gigs… And one of his other gigs he was very proud of was that he got hooked up with a radio station where they paid him $20 to be a caller every now and then when they needed a caller. So he got $20 to put in his two cents and be a random anonymous caller… Apparently they’re not always random or anonymous… Well I guess they are anonymous to the people listening but they were not anonymous to the radio station… Not all apparently… So that was one of the guys… Thank god fucking 2020 happened and he decided to move and you know like the world was all crazy and I was just like uh -uh hell fucking no I ain’t going with you mm -hmm… He also forgot to mention from his profile his other side gig was that he would get money by selling plasma but he was so unhealthy with his psoriasis because of his smoking and drinking habits that were so bad… His psoriasis would be so bad that they would literally reject him from giving plasma because his skin was all broken out… I’m not trying to dog on him… Like nice guy… But like that was not who I signed up for to date when I saw his profile…

Another guy seemed pretty cute… That’s really all I remember about him and his profile… He was cute… We hung out and I got really fucking drunk… Really fucking drunk and ended up sleeping with him on the first night… And we… You know… It was okay… It was pretty good… I think the sex… I was very drunk… But sexual compatibly… I think we were okay… So things went on and we were very sexual and yeah… He’s living at home with his mom… He’s got a kid… He’s literally shorter than me… I’m 5’3 and he’s like even skinnier than me… I weigh like 114 pounds… I was still down… I was still down and this motherfucker ghosts me for like six months to a year… Not that I was waiting around for him… But like he ghosted me and I was like… What the fuck? That’s weird… But fuck off… NOT chasing any ghosts… But about a year later… I get a text finding out that he was still married… You know… When I do the online dating… I usually assume that they’re single when I’m dating them or whatever… So he lied on his profile… I… Well… I guess people really do that… No shit…

I’ve had so many weirdos who were not who they seemed from their profile… So that’s definitely number one reason why internet dating is pretty fucked up…

Another thing is… I’m a big firm believer in chemistry and you cannot feel the chemistry through a screen… You can’t… You just can’t see chemistry in a picture… I mean… nope… But I think when you see the picture or you do the pen pal thing… You start to develop this false chemistry… I felt it… I have definitely felt that false chemistry and then I’ve met them in person and realized there was nothing there… And now it’s either awkward or I’m faking it because I’m a people pleaser and I have to continue with the charade and just it’s never good… It’s never good…

I really think you should feel chemistry above all else before you… Decide to date…

It’s dangerous man… Like you really don’t know who you’re meeting… These people can be crazy… The one thing I’ve learned with 2020 and shutdowns… Like people and guys got really weird and lonely… Like super strange… And it’s just crazy that you could be meeting with one of these guys who got really lonely and is really fucking weird and twisted and sick but putting on a show to like get you into his lair… And it sounds funny but it’s a real possibility… And I’ve fucking heard horror stories like that from people that that shit has really happened… You just don’t know…

I’ve had a lot of people who do the catfishing… I’ve gotten a lot of people that try to do the pen pal thing where they wanna message with you for weeks and months… I think because they’re really fat and don’t look like the picture they put on there… No… Maybe it’s not even their picture… So they don’t wanna actually ever meet you… So they’re wasting your fucking time…

So if you do fucking do an online dating… Definitely just use that as the step in the door but get the fuck out in the real world into a coffee shop and meet them… Don’t do the pen pal shit till you know who they are because I did it… I spent a long time with the messages back and forth starting to think I like them and either you never end up meeting them because they’re not who they say they are cause they’re probably married… Or fucking psycho or not their age or whatever or you do meet them and then they tell you that their picture was from 10 years ago or not their picture at all… Mm-hmm…

So yeah internet dating is not happening for me… Been there done that… It’s not a good thing…

I’ve heard some people who it’s worked for but in the long run are they still together? Did it really work? I don’t know… I haven’t followed up… Give it time… Maybe I think it could happen…

But really… Do it in the real world… Do it naturally… Do it the right way…

I know when I think about it… I don’t know how I’m gonna do that because I don’t really get out… I work with a lot of people and I really don’t meet people there cause they’re older or fucking gamblers and addicts and alcoholics and not my age… So I don’t meet a lot of people at my work… But I do meet a lot of people… So when I’m outside of work… I really don’t want to be around a lot of people… So how am I going to meet anybody? I don’t fucking know… I don’t totally care anyway… It’s not big on my list… I kind of just given up… I realized my standards are pretty high… You know…

Sadly my standards are pretty good… But in this day and age it’s considered high to want someone who can manage their money and take care of their body and have healthy hobbies… Apparently those are high standards and you don’t find a lot of guys that are like that… And throw in a little creativity and passion and romance… So yeah… Definitely not happening for me… That’s another lifetime that has already passed if I’m ever going to find that… So I’m not really big on that… But my suggestion to you is if you’re listening and you’re serious and you only think that internet dating is the way to go for you… It’s not… Figure out what kind of guy you want and figure out where he’d probably be hanging out…

And for me… I probably need to go to the gym so I could find a guy who gives a shit about his {health} and also can afford the gym… Boom… Like I’m sure if I walk into a gym and give me six months and I’ll have a husband…So maybe I’m going to think about joining a gym… {clearly joking… I’ll still probably be single}

But um… Yeah… Just find out who your ideal person is I guess… If you like going to the bars and you want someone to go to the bars with then go to the bar. Find him there… I know they say don’t do that but hey that’s a lot better than internet dating… Just don’t go home with them like that night all drunk and shit… And like once you meet them in the bar and feel a chemistry… Date them outside the bar… Do that for me please… Do a sober date okay… If you like… Whatever you like… Just… Whatever you want… What you want them to like… Just go hang out there… Whatever that is… You like reading… Go to the damn library… I don’t know…

Anyway my point is… Don’t do internet dating… That shit is not right… I mean unless you just want to get fucked and possibly die…

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