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Sami Rants The Podcast

The friend zone is my jam

Let's make sure we marinate it in the friend zone for a little bit. I want the better sex. I don't want that cheap sex...

Internet Dating

I'm a big firm believer in chemistry and you cannot feel the chemistry through a screen...

Broken Heart

To have a heart condition is a scary fucking thing when you're 37 years old. I know I'm not that young. But I'm not that old...

Mentally stimulate me

Guys think that the way to get a girl turned on these days is by saying they have a nice big dick...

First Kiss

So I played the whole Julia Roberts {Pretty Woman} thing Like “I don't kiss on the mouth”...

Losing my virginity

I started really young and for someone who hasn't had sex in a long time. I have had a lot of sex...

Sexual Hiatus

I don't want to just have sex with like a piece of shit... I don't want to have sex with a fuckboy I don't want to have a one-night stand...

Filter Face

I feel like a complete piece of shit fraud idiot if I’m gonna allow you to believe that that's not a filter. That that is my real fucking skin and that's how I fucking look. I will not do that to you...

Burning it up in the new year

I'm trying to monitor myself and wondering when does things get serious? When am I supposed to go to the hospital? The internet is very conflicting about it It's like 102 fever is getting more serious...
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